Construction of Nazaria Lagos Monument

Project: Construction of Nazaria Lagos Monument
Location: Dueñas, Iloilo
Cultural property owner: Municipal Government of Dueñas
GAA Budget: P2,000,000.00
Fiscal year: 2018
Date of formal turnover: 13 February 2019
Implementing agency: National Historical Commission of the Philippines
Artist: Julie Lluch
Project description:

The National Historical Commission of the Philippines is mandated to promote, preserve and disseminate information regarding historical events, dates, places and personages.  As part of its mandate to commemorate eminent Filipinos, the NHCP proposed a monument to Nazaria Lagos, a woman leader from Dueñas who helped in the many battles against Spaniards and Americans.  Her exemplary life has become an exceptional model to the local community of Dueñas and the Filipino nation.

Project documentation:
The monument and pedestal dedicated for Nazaria Lagos
Turnover ceremonies held on 13 February 2019.
Turnover ceremonies held on 13 February 2019.

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