Restoration and Curatorial Development of the Iloilo Customs House Building

Project: Restoration and Curatorial Development of the Iloilo Customs House Building
Location: Iloilo City
Cultural property owner: Bureau of Customs
GAA Budget: P10,000,000.00 (2016)
GAA Budget: P20,000,000.00 (2017)
Fiscal years: 2016, 2017
Implementing agency: National Historical Commission of the Philippines
Contractor: Micro Asia Builders
Project description:
Originally planned for adaptive reuse as a museum of maritime history in the Philippines, the project only accomplished the repair and restoration of the exterior spaces of the aduana building, including its common areas such as the toilets, hallways, stairways and main lobby. Due to the lack of relocation of its existing occupants, the museum project was not realized.

Cleaning, repair, and repainting of the exterior walls

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